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Becoming Your Best Self: Lessons from the Great Minds of History

·650 words·4 mins
Sebastian Scheibe
Sebastian Scheibe
Table of Contents


I have been listening to the amazing podcast How to Take Over the World by Ben Wilson in the past weeks and I wanted to note down some things that all the great people have in common.

The following notes are all based on the podcast.

The Power of Writing

Great minds like Julius Caesar, Benjamin Franklin, and Napoleon Bonaparte were known for their habit of reading and writing daily. Caesar even did so while attending the games in the Coliseum.

Maintaining a daily habit of writing and reading can significantly enhance your thinking and communication skills.

Mastering Copy Work

This might be a great segue to mention copy work, a way to improve your writing by copying the work of great writes, which will influence and improve your writing style. Even Benjamin Franklin practiced this method.

Have a look here on how to approach this.

Study the Legends

Julius Caesar studied the paths of Alexander the Great. Napoleon studied Caesar and Alexander. Benjamin Franklin studied Caesar and Alexander via Plutarch’s Lives .

You would be in great company if you did so too.

Find a biography of your favourite person, listen to a podcast or check out Plutarch’s Lives about the great people of the past.

Eat Less, Think More

Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and many others share one thing. They are light eaters. Thomas Edison even adopted a milk-only diet for a period. I would not recommend that but according to Edison, having a light appetite can help focus the mind on greater things.

If you want to sharpen your thinking, consider adopting a lighter diet.

The Power of Decisiveness

Most renowned figures of the past acted quickly and never stalled for a decision.

Julius Caesar was famous for his decisiveness when he returned to Rome to confront Pompey. Although Caesar offered peace talks, Pompey stalled, failing to prepare for war, while Caesar made swift preparations and seized the advantage. It was not only Caesar who had this trait, also Napoleon shared it and did similar in his conquests.

Try to never stall and always prepare for multiple outcomes.

Turn Failure into Success

Great leaders like Julius Caesar and Benjamin Franklin faced numerous failures, but what set them apart was their ability to learn from these setbacks. Embrace failure as part of the journey to self-improvement.

Fitness and Focus

Many great leaders understood the connection between physical health and mental clarity. Balancing physical exercise with mental challenges helps keep your mind sharp and focused. Not only does physical fitness grant mental clarity but also can improve your gravitas among others. George Washington was known for his appearance.

Surround Yourself with the Best

Surround yourself with people who challenge and inspire you. Great minds like Benjamin Franklin often collaborated with others to refine their ideas and push their thinking further.

Lifelong Learning

The greats never stopped learning. Whether through books, mentors, or new experiences, lifelong learning is essential to personal growth and becoming your best self.


The greats of history achieved extraordinary things through discipline, focus, and decisive action. Now, it’s your turn. What steps will you take to start your journey toward becoming the best version of yourself?

Challenge yourself: write daily, study a historical figure, or make decisive choices. Even small changes can lead to big improvements. Pick one strategy, apply it for a week, and see how it transforms your mindset and actions.


How to Take Over the World - Website

How to Take Over the World - Podcast

How to Take Over the World - Podcast Spotify

Plutarch’s Lives

Plutarch’s Lives Podcast


Photo by Constantinos Kollias on Unsplash

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Photo by Paweł Bulwan on Unsplash