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Free Up Disk Space on Linux: Find Big Files Fast

·628 words·3 mins
Sebastian Scheibe
Sebastian Scheibe
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If your Linux machine’s disk is full, you might be wondering which files or directories are consuming the most space. Here is a guide that will help you, in case you have some space left you can use ncdu or otherwise just use find.


If there is some space left on your Linux, I highly recommend using ncdu, here is what the man page has to say:

ncdu (NCurses Disk Usage) is an interactive curses-based version of the well-known du(1), and provides a fast way to see what directories are using your disk space.

Install NCDU

To install ncdu on a Debian-based system (like Ubuntu), use the following command:

apt update && apt install ncdu

Replace apt with your distribution’s package manager (e.g., yum, dnf, pacman) if you’re using a different Linux distribution.


When you start ncdu, it scans the disk from the current working directory and provides an interactive view of disk usage. To use it, navigate to the directory you want to scan (e.g., /) and run:


It will open up the tool and start scanning:

   │                                                         │
   │ Total items: 330084   size:   1.8 GiB                   │
   │ Current item: /proc/2631873/task/2633196/fdinfo/0       │
   │                                                         │
   │ Warning: error scanning /proc/263187...33132/fdinfo/287 │
   │  some directory sizes may not be correct                │
   │                                                         │
   │            .                           Press q to abort │

After the scan is complete, you will see a screen that allows you to navigate the file system with the arrow keys. Files and directories are sorted by size, in descending order:

ncdu 1.15.1 ~ Use the arrow keys to navigate, press ? for help
--- / ----------------------------------------------------------
   26.0 GiB [##########] /var
    1.7 GiB [          ] /usr
  771.0 MiB [          ] /root
  112.5 MiB [          ] /boot
    6.3 MiB [          ] /opt
    5.2 MiB [          ] /etc
    1.5 MiB [          ] /run
   52.0 KiB [          ] /tmp
e  16.0 KiB [          ] /lost+found
    8.0 KiB [          ] /snap
e   4.0 KiB [          ] /srv
e   4.0 KiB [          ] /mnt
e   4.0 KiB [          ] /media
e   4.0 KiB [          ] /home
.   0.0   B [          ] /proc
    0.0   B [          ] /sys
    0.0   B [          ] /dev
@   0.0   B [          ]  libx32
@   0.0   B [          ]  lib64
@   0.0   B [          ]  lib32
@   0.0   B [          ]  sbin
@   0.0   B [          ]  lib
@   0.0   B [          ]  bin

Using Built-In find or du Command

If you cannot install additional tools like ncdu or prefer using built-in commands, find is a simple way to locate large files.

Find the largest files above 100M

To find all files larger than 100 MB, use:

find . -type f -size +100M

Example output:

root@exampleserver:/# find . -type f -size +100M
find: ‘./proc/2148186/task/2148186/fdinfo/6’: No such file or directory
find: ‘./proc/2148186/fdinfo/5’: No such file or directory

Finding the 10 Largest Linux Files on Your Drive

To find the 10 largest files on your drive, use:

du -aBm / 2>/dev/null | sort -nr | head -n 10

Example output:

root@exampleserver:/# du -aBm / 2>/dev/null | sort -nr | head -n 10
29279M	/
26579M	/var
22244M	/var/lib
22007M	/var/lib/docker
11549M	/var/lib/docker/volumes
11410M	/var/lib/docker/volumes/uptrace_ch_data9/_data/store
11410M	/var/lib/docker/volumes/uptrace_ch_data9/_data
11410M	/var/lib/docker/volumes/uptrace_ch_data9
10417M	/var/lib/docker/overlay2
4218M	/var/log


When dealing with a full disk on Linux, tools like ncdu provide an interactive, visual approach to finding large files and directories, while built-in commands like find and du offer quick solutions without needing to install additional software. Choose the method that best suits your situation.


NCDU manual page

Tom’s Hardware - Find large Files in Linux